Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Well That Was a Heck of a Birthday Party!

Got a great birthday party Friday,  they had a whopping big party in Beijing!  Actually, just coincidence my birthday is on the auspicious date of 08-08, and this year it happened to land on the opening day of the Olympics.

My wife, bless her heart, kept saying "but you're not excited about your birthday!"  Dear, at 53 you don't get all that excited about birthdays anymore.  Ok, maybe at 55 you get a little excited, you can do the senior's meal at Denny's, and you start qualifying for more senior discounts, (a buck is a buck), but after 50, you really don't make a big deal of birthdays.  50 is the big landmark, you get  your AARP card.  For you non-American's reading this, that's a sort of senior citizen's organization, American Association of Retired Persons.  And just to tick my wife off, I applied for joint membership, so at the tender age of (not all that old) she gets an AARP card too!. Fix her wagon.

But, I did sort of celebrate, treated myself to coffee and blueberry muffin at Starbucks, didn't do squat much around the house. And, best present of all, lunchtime job interview.  Looks positive, should have details finalized this week.  Job is in Fuzhou though, and I can't find much info about Fuzhou on the net, other then the usual touristy stuff.

Anyway, dinner at the local English Pub, "One for the Road" and watched the opening ceremony on their big screen TV,  Lots of locals there even though the pub is decidedly very British.  The local Chinese very attentive, sitting in the front, the expats, usual rowdy, noisy selves, toward the back. Bit of a contrast, but that's to be expected. 

And, did we all worry at all about the CGI Footsteps?  Did we even notice Lin Miaokethe was lip-syncing ?  Did we even see the "blue screen of death" during the torch lighting?

Not really!  The great part was the two groups in the same place enjoying the celebration. I think that's what the Olympic Organizing Committee had in mind of the spirit of "One World"

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